If you're looking for a unique gift for someone wonderful in your life, but just aren't able to find something worthwhile, maybe it's time to look inwards. A well made present from the heart will often times have more impact than an expensive gift from a name brand store. And homemade gifts, when done right, are not difficult to craft.
Embellishing Fleece
Homemade Cookies Recipe
A treasured gift for the holidays or winter birthdays would be a two-yard piece of fleece material with a crocheted edge. This is very simple to do with a rotary cutting tool and a skip-stitch cutting blade. The first round of crocheting is a simple single crochet where you are crocheting in the holes made with the skip-stitch tool. Subsequent rows can also be single crochet, or more elaborate stitches.
Homemade Dog Biscuits
Dog biscuits fresh from your oven are a very special gift for someone who has recently adopted a dog. Allrecipes.com has some recipes that you bake up and cut into fun dog-inspired shapes and oftentimes the major pet product stores carry doggie-bone shaped cookie cutters. Or maybe use heart-shaped cutters to show some doggie love! Once your biscuits are done, a special touch is place them in a basket with a couple of dog toys or rawhide bones or chew toys if the gift recipient has adopted a puppy.
College Freshman Survival Kit
An eighteen year old leaving home for the first time often enjoys taking a bit of home with them when they go. When your college-bound child is about to fly the nest, send them off with a basket loaded with college essentials such as: energy drinks, microwave popcorn, chocolate bars, instant coffee, a big coffee mug, a large batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies, flip-flops (for those communal showers), and last, but certainly not least, a heart-felt, handwritten note filled with love and encouragement.
A Pillow for All Seasons
Pillows are a wonderful decorating accent as pillowcases are so easily interchangeable, and therefore you're not stuck with one look all the time. Furthermore, sewing an envelope pillowcase is one of the easiest sewing patterns to master and instructions for which can be found everywhere on the internet. With that in mind, a wonderful gift to give to the ladies in your life is one pillow with four or five different envelope pillowcases. While the typical holiday themes are certainly appreciated, being a bit whimsical is also possible. Such as swapping out a Christmas pattern with a tropical snowman print. Or instead of Easter for spring, showcase St. Patrick's Day. Or use a red, white, and blue motif for Independence day. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.
Homemade Gifts - Unusual Ideas for Extraordinary Gifts
Michelle Michalski is a freelance writer specializing in domesticity, crafts, and living green.
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